International Conference on Emerging Trends in Social, Business, and Management Science Research Conference 2025

ICSBMR- 2025

International Conference on Emerging Trends in Social, Business, and Management Science Research

The AI-Powered Future: Strategy, Innovation & Sustainability

March 13-14, 2025

VIT Business School - VIT Chennai

in association with

Rochester Institute of Technology-Rochester, NY

Conference Call & Themes

Theme : The AI-Powered Future: Strategy, Innovation & Sustainability

The promised land of Artificial Intelligence (AI), is no longer the stuff of science fiction. It’s a reality hurtling towards us at breakneck speed, fundamentally reshaping the way we do business and the fabric of society itself.

A recent McKinsey report estimates that AI could contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. From self-driving cars to automated medical diagnoses, AI’s potential to streamline processes and unlock efficiencies is undeniable. Consider the research landscape: AI is already sifting through mountains of scientific data, accelerating drug discovery, and uncovering hidden patterns in climate change research.

However, the AI revolution is not without its challenges. As AI automates tasks, job displacement becomes a looming threat. A 2017 Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Work study suggests that nearly half of all jobs could be automated by 2030. This raises crucial questions about reskilling the workforce and ensuring equitable distribution of automation’s benefits.

Ethical dilemmas also abound. Algorithmic bias, where AI perpetuates existing prejudices in areas like loan approvals or criminal justice, is a growing concern.  The specter of job displacement and the potential misuse of AI for surveillance or social control necessitates a robust conversation about ethical frameworks and responsible development.

Academia, too, grapples with AI’s implications. Machine learning algorithms are increasingly becoming co-authors on research papers, raising questions about authorship and the nature of scientific discovery. Educational institutions must adapt their curricula to equip students with technical knowledge and critical thinking skills to navigate this new world’s ethical complexities.

Our VIT Chennai campus, strategically located in Tamil Nadu’s capital, embodies a commitment to industry collaboration, research innovation, and global engagement. VIT Chennai thrives under a visionary leadership team led by Founder & Chancellor, Dr. G. Viswanathan, Vice Presidents Mr. Sankar Viswanathan, Dr. Sekar Viswanathan and  Dr. G.V. Selvam, Executive Director Dr. Sandhya Pentareddy, Assistant Vice President Ms. Kadhambari S. Viswanathan,  Vice Chancellor  Dr. V.S. Kanchana Bhaaskaran, and Pro Vice Chancellor  Dr. T. Thyagarajan.


Conference Tracks

ICSBMR 2025 invites submissions under the broad theme of, ‘The AI-Powered Future: Strategy, Innovation & Sustainability ’ across various multidisciplinary research areas. Tracks have varying submission requirements and hence, participants are requested to access the individual track pages mentioned below for more details.

IT & Decision Science
  • Explainable AI (XAI) for High-Stakes Decisions
  • Human-AI Hybrid Decision Making
  • Large Language Models (LLMs) & Business
  • Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Decision Systems
  • Optimization for Complex Networks
  • Securing the SaaS Supply Chain
  • Data Sovereignty & Cloud Compliance
  • FinOps for SaaS
Human Resources Management
  • The Future of Work & the 4-Day Workweek
  • Digital Nomads and Remote Work
  • Green HRM
  • AI & HRM- Impact on HR profession, practice and ethics
  • Gamification in HR
  • Algorithmic Bias in HR Processes
  • Meme Culture
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) strategies
  • Gig workforce
  • Impact of Labour codes
  • Moonlighting/ Free-lancing
  • Data Privacy & Employee Monitoring
Operations & SCM
  •  Industry 4.0
  •  Resilience in the Face of Disruption
  •  Antifragile Supply Chains
  •  Hyperlocal Fulfillment & Micro-chains
  •  Circular Supply Chains & Reverse Logistics
  •  The Impact of 3D Printing on Manufacturing
  • Beyond GDP- Quantifying the Cost of Well-being
  • The Economics of the Attention Economy
  • Universal Basic Income Re-examined
  • Economics of the Post-Truth Era- Cost of misinformation & filter bubbles
Finance & Accounting
  • Crypto Asset Valuation
  • Climate Stress Testing for Portfolios
  • Beyond Fintech Hype: Data-driven models for financial inclusion
  • Financial Forecasting with Alternative Data
  • Auditing the Algorithms
  • Accounting for the Circular Economy
  • Real-Time Financial Reporting with Blockchain
Consumer Behaviour & Marketing
  • Digital Detox & Consumer Well-being
  • The Psychology of the Post-Pandemic Consumer
  • Tech-Native Consumption Habits
  • Sensory branding & Neuroscience
  • Voice Search & Conversational Commerce
  • Virtual & Augmented Reality in Retail
  • Collaborative Consumption and the Sharing Economy
  • “Woke-Washing” vs. Authentic Activism
  • Subversive Branding
  • Gen Z / Alpha as consumers
Sustainable Business
  • Quantifying the Social Impact of Sustainability Initiatives
  • Greenwashing vs. True Impact: AI & Analytics for Transparency
  • Climate Risk Modeling
  • Circular Economy Models & Enabling Technologies
  • AI for Social good
  • Underprivileged communities – bridging the digital divide
  • Social networks and social capital
  • Social movements and activism in the AI age
Entrepreneurship & Family Business
  • Digital Entrepreneurship & the Pandemic Pivot
  • Next-Gen Leadership in Family Business
  • Intrapreneurship in the Modern Workplace
  • Scaling Small Businesses
Sports Management
  • Fan Engagement in the Digital Era
  • Athlete Well-Being & Wearable Tech
  • eSports and the Future of Competition
  • Sports Analytics & Decision-Making
  • Regulatory frameworks for sports betting
Design & Business
  • Biomimicry in Product Innovation
  • Design for Accessibility & Inclusion
  • Experience Design in the Metaverse
  • Human-Centered Design for Social Change
Business Research & Ethics
  • The Ethics of Nudging
  • Whistleblowing & Tech Platforms
  • Algorithmic Accountability
  • Data Privacy & Consumer Trust
Business Education
  • Personalized Learning Paths with AI
  • Immersive Learning in Business Simulations
  • Building Data Literacy in Business Graduates
  • Gamification for Business Skill Development